Thursday, April 17, 2008

Skinny dog - day 6 and 7

I am sorry but i am doing a joint entry for 2 days. Reason being:

I woke up Tuesday and barely managed to get out of bed, when i collapsed again, feeling so faint, nauseous and weak that i actually ended up sleeping most of the day. I did however managed to get some pics of our little friend

Aragorn took this one. It surprises me how much prettier she's looking then when i found her

The hooligans
Not much to say about Tuesday, because Wednesday was a lot more action packed

Woke up early to get our little friend to the vet, for the eye op. She rode all the way sitting on my lap and looking out the window. With a heavy heart i handed her over and left, worrying she wasn't going to make it, not knowing how difficult the operation would be or how much it would cost.

Minutes dragged like hours... hours dragged.. well, even slower... Eventually about 1pm the vet called telling me that the operation was a success, and that i was to pick her up any time after 3.

This is by the way a good time to tell you what happened. Not only did a kind person loan me money (without me even asking), but also the operation was fully sponsored by kind members of the public, who independently came forward and gave me money towards the little dog, wanting nothing in return. This is very special news so I will have to dedicate a full entry to it

I rushed to the vet at 3. I was very scared of what i was about to see, and with good reason. her little face was covered in blood, and the swollen eye socket was stitched over, which obviously looked rather bad, but the way she looked up at me from her little cage made her beautiful. Apparently she had been very talkative, demanding food for the last hour. I picked her up, and was given painkillers and antibiotics, as well as a pile of free food.

I took her home. I think she was a bit pissed off with me at first for taking her there and leaving her, but we made up. She was very tired and cold, slept all day. Kept bumping her eye on things and whimpering. She was a lot stronger then i expected though. I guess life in the street has made her tough :-)

Here is the only pic i took of her last night. I didn't want to bother her too much with the camera. Even if u turn the flash off - it still has that focus light. More to come.

I must say, the eye will take some getting used to. She just looks... sore, which kills me. But hey, I am just glad to have her home and safe.

Oh and we reckon we will call her Kate, after Kate Moss, the beautiful skinny model. This is Nikki's idea. Or hey! maybe Katya - Russian Kate?... I might give her a pirate surname, now that she's lost an eye. Any suggestions?


Unknown said...

WATSON!! After Paul Watson, The Pirate of Compassion :)

Unknown said...

Katya suits her. And she is looking a whole heap healthier already. What type of pirate surname did you have in mind? Pirates have triple barrelled names usually, right? Like, um, Long John Silver... So, Katya could be her given name (middle name)... Maybe Tenacious (for her spirit) Katya (for her beauty and physique) Sands (for her fur colour and the fact she she has been through a drought-like spell with regards love, food and attention)... or something. Tenacious Katya Sands - it sounds like a pedigreed pampered pup when you put it together, don't it?