Saturday, April 12, 2008

Skinny dog - day 1

Let me first explain why I am doing this.

I don't mean to come across as a sentimental freak. I guess I am outraged by the artist being asked to exhibit again, and since i am not in the same country and unable to protest outside the gallery - I want to make my stand in some way.

Also I have a dog on my hands. I need to find it a home. My last dog i rescued was a beautiful Chow and it found a home in no time. This new girl, lets face it, is not a looker - as you will see soon when i post pictures. She is cute in her own way, but not gorgeous. She is no pedigree. She is not a puppy. I figure the best way of making her appeal to people who look at adoption pleas in their inboxes every single day is through her survivor story. Hopefully someone will want to give her a good life. She has been through hell and deserves it.

So, her story:

I was sitting with Aragorn and Anne from Beauty Without Cruelty at Further (our little shop) when we saw a tiny dog running like mad in the road.

We ran out after it. It was terrified and wouldn't let us near it. Aragorn managed to trap it with a jersey and we brought it back into the shop, as it made the most horrific wailing sounds.

Once in the shop it huddles in the corner shivering like crazy. What a site she was. Skinniest dog I've ever seen. One blood shot eye. Angry. Shivering. It wouldn't let us near her, unless it was to throw it tiny pieces of Vegan polony, which it gulped down like it's never seen food.

We once again managed to trap it with a jersey and put it in a cat box, which we rushed off to the Vet

For all of you in jhb area - Linden vet is brilliant. They worked with all my animals for years, and don't frown when i bring these filthy wild dogs. She - Claire that is, but the other two doctors are also nice - is wonderfully helpful. She looked at the dog, gave it some shots, did all the tests on it and offered to keep her (yes it's a girl) overnight for observation as well as to give it a bath etc. She only ended up charging me the consultation fee and for one ointement. The rest was on the house.

I was now faced with a situation. I had this dog on my hands. I didn't know how sick she was. I didn't know how wild she was and whether i would ever be able to even touch it, let alone take care of it without it biting my head off.

Most importantly i knew i cannot keep it permanently. I already have a full house and my dogs won't stand for it, plus I am renting and not allowed any more pets. Giving it to a shelter was an option, but i first wanted to see if i could make it healthier again and in the mean time find it a home.

1 comment:

Anne said...

I thank God for people like your an Angel. Thank you so mutch for looking after and saving that little life. You are amazing.