Sunday, April 13, 2008

Skinny dog - day 3

Today already she is much stronger. Mostly sleeping all day but a lot more responsive and happy looking. She does the cutest little stretch, crosses her front legs and lets them slide forward alond the floor. Adorable

We had our first walk in the garden today, but she wasn't really interested in exploring, more in searching for food. I have increased her 3-hourly dose to a tablespoon and a half of dog food mixed with water.

Oh, and we had a de-fleeing bath today. Afterwards she ran around in a circle and rubbed herself on the floor. It was too funny for words.

Had some visitors too. My Uncaged group (we organise animal rights stuff), and a friend, Justin. She is still quite wary of people, but much calmer.

Had a power-out in the evening. Shame, poor thing doesn't like lightning one bit.

Me and my new friend :-)

So damn skinny

Caught trying to break her diet stealing bread i threw out for the birds

I feeeel preeety...

Oh so preeety :-)


Unknown said...

Oh man, I am so in love with this little one it is just not funny. I would take her in a heartbeat, but we are not allowed dogs (plus of course there is Queen Mary).

*sigh* She just stole my damn heart man.

Anastasya said...

Queen Mary is bigger then her ;-)