Sunday, April 20, 2008


This post is to thank all the people wo helped me with the operation for the eye.

First of - dear friend Nikki Botha from Cape Town - some of you may know her from all her amazing Animal Rights work, who without me asking offered to pay for the operation up front, as a loan on whenever bases. She deposited the money directly into the Vet's account, and thus i was able to have the op there and then and not have to wait, causing the dog pain. I told her i would pay her back, as Nikki does such good work that i know the money will go to a good cause.

(Nikki's Cat Mary, the love of her life)

A donation of R 200 was made by a gentelmen who would like to be listed as ''“from Cassie, Scooby and in memory of Midgey”, his much beloved furry family. Only thing i will say about this guy is that this is not the first time he helps me in terms of not only a personal case like this, but large scale Animal rights work, like my Uncaged event



And Midgey, who lived to be 16.

Second HUGE donation of R1000 was given to me by a lady called Marelise Jackobs, aka Hex, who wouldn't take no for an answer, saying that it was for Katya, so i had no right to say yes or no. She assured me that she will come meet Katya soon - she lives in Pretoria. Hex is an incredible person, and Katya is very lucky to have crawled into her heart.

Third donation of R200 came from a very talented Alison Wright, a lady who lives upstairs from my shop and always helps when i need her. I will get a picture of her kitty soon.

R200 came from Andrew Makkink, a man who works as a paramedic and helps people on daily bases, so kindness is a part of the package. He is simply lovely


Hila and Jack in Cape Town gave R250. Hila's online name is Golden Angel, and that's exactly what she is - an angel. She is always charitable, just as an example, when she couldn't attend Uncaged (a charity event we threw) she donated an equivalent of what a person would spend at Uncaged on a night.

Her money takes us up to 1850, a quater of that is about 460 for CLAW, leaving us 1390, which means we are SORTED!!!! :-)

I always tell people that i feel working with animals, or in animal rights can be very tough because of how much human ugliness and cruelty you see... but than come times like this, where you are lucky enough to see such human kindness

Thank you all.

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